Acoustic Wall Linings and Ceilings Direct Installation with SENOR’s FTD RANGE

An ideal solution for achieving excellent soundproofing in compact spaces, such as flats, shops, hotels, restaurants, and other establishments where space is limited.

A system designed to reduce airborne and impact noise.

System tested at the Tecnalia Acoustic Laboratory, delivering an acoustic improvement of over 12 dB.

A highly versatile system, allowing the same profile to be used for both wall linings and ceilings.


Information based on a wall under 3 metres in height (materials and sequence of execution):

1) SE-BEC-5×48 Self-Adhesive Acoustic Strip (SENOR): Made from high-quality EPDM material (perimeter seal), it provides effective sealing for the solution.

2) Absorptive Material: MINERAL WOOL (glass wool or rock wool) or POLYESTER FIBRE, placed between profiles. It contributes to the absorption coefficient of the solution.

3) Compatible acoustic dampers:

* SE-FTD OMEGA dampers: for 82 mm omega profiles. When installing this damper in ceilings, it is necessary and MANDATORY to fix the omega profiles to the dampers with 9 mm self-drilling MM (Metal-to-Metal) screws, in order to provide security to the construction system.

  • Box format: 15 units and 50 units.

*SE-FTD OMEGA ULTRA dampers: For omega profiles ranging from 20mm to 90mm. When used in ceilings, it is IMPERATIVE to secure the omega profiles to the dampers using 9mm self-drilling MM (Metal-Metal) screws, ensuring the safety of the construction system. SENOR strongly advises the SE-FTD OMEGA ULTRA damper for the installation of direct acoustic ceilings when using omega profiles.

  • Box format: 10 units and 40 units.

*SE-FTD NIVEL 47 dampers: For 47mm profiles (TC-47 type). It features a metric screw that enables the correction of misalignments or unevenness in wall linings and ceilings. Available with screws in various metrics: 25mm (standard model), 50mm, 80mm, and 160mm.

  • Box format: 15 units and 50 units.

*SE-FTD MINI 47 dampers: For 47mm profiles (TC-47 type). It is the SLIMMEST acoustic damper on the market.

  • Box format: 25 units and 75 units.

*SE-FTD NIVEL 47DS T50 dampers: For 47mm profiles (TC-47 type). It features a 5cm metric screw that enables the correction of misalignments or unevenness in wall linings and ceilings. Additionally, it includes a safety device (DS).

  • Box format: 30 units.

*SE-FTD NIVEL 60DS T50 dampers: For 60mm profiles (TC-60 type). It is equipped with a 5cm metric screw that enables the correction of misalignments or unevenness in wall linings and ceilings. It also features a safety device (DS).

  • Box format: 30 units.

The recommended distribution on the studs would be 3 dampers per profile:

Our FTD range is designed for both wall linings and direct acoustic ceilings.
They are anti-vibration acoustic dampers (PATENTED AND EXCLUSIVE TO SENOR).
For proper spacing with vertical profiles, we recommend installing 3 dampers per profile (one approximately 15cm from the ceiling, another around 15cm from the floor, and a third at the centre of the profile).
These dampers provide elasticity to the acoustic solution, effectively reducing vibrations within the construction system.

4) Profiles: Installed vertically every 60cm, although they can also be placed every 40cm or even horizontally. They provide rigidity to the solution.

For omega profiles: SE-FTD OMEGA and SE-FTD OMEGA ULTRA dampers.

For 47mm profiles (TC-47 type): SE-FTD LEVEL 47, SE-FTD MINI 47, and SE-FTD LEVEL 47DS T50 dampers.

For 60mm profiles (TC-60 type): SE-FTD LEVEL 60DS T50 damper.

5) SE-MONT-BICAPA-40 Decoupling Strip (SENOR): It serves as a decoupler (separator) to reduce vibrations between the profiles and plasterboard.

6) Plasterboard: For the first layer of plasterboard, the standard 15mm boards (approximately 10.5kg/m²) are advised. They provide mass to the solution.

7) Bituminous Acoustic Membrane: It is advised to use ViscoLAM 65 (ChovA), M.A.D. 4 (DANOSA), TECSOUND (SOPREMA), or similar, with a thickness of 4mm (approximately 6kg/m²). It serves as a barrier against airborne noise transmission and, thanks to its high density, adds mass to the solution. Kind reminder: 4mm acoustic membranes deliver better acoustic performance than 2mm ones.

8) Plasterboard: For the second layer of plasterboard, it is advised to use standard 12.5 or 13mm boards (approximately 8.5kg/m²). They provide mass to the solution.

NOTE: Standard plasterboards (approx. 700kg/m³ density) or acoustic plasterboards (approx.1,000kg/m³ density) can be used. The density of the boards depends on the manufacturer. Acoustic plasterboards, due to their higher density compared to standard plasterboards, provide more mass to the solution, thereby enhancing soundproofing.


The general principle is that greater thickness results in better soundproofing.
Therefore, a self-supporting wall lining with channels and studs will deliver better acoustic results than a direct lining with minimal thickness. However, direct linings are generally sufficient (in most cases) to address noise issues between neighbours, in shops, and music-less establishments, etc. Thus, direct wall linings and ceilings are a highly effective solution when space is limited.

Below, we outline the required spacing (distribution) for the complete solution, depending on the damper model. This assumes that the damper has been fixed directly to the wall or ceiling structure, along with all the previously specified materials:

  • With SE-FTD OMEGA: 6 cm
  • With SE-FTD OMEGA ULTRA: 6 cm
  • With SE-FTD NIVEL 47 according to the screw:

* 25 mm screw: minimum 6,8 cm – maximum 8,2 cm
* 50 mm screw: minimum 9,3 cm – maximum 10,7 cm
* 80 mm screw: minimum 12,3 cm – maximum 13,7 cm
* 160 mm screw: minimum 20,3 cm – maximum 21,7 cm

  • With SE-FTD MINI 47: 6 cm
  • With SE-FTD NIVEL 47DS T50: minimum 9,2 cm – maximum 13,2 cm
  • With SE-FTD NIVEL 60DS T50: minimum 10,4 cm – maximum 14,2 cm


SE-FTD-OMEGA dampers:


SE-FTD-NIVEL 47 dampers:

SE-FTD-MINI 47 dampers:

SE-FTD NIVEL 47DS T50 y 60DS T50 dampers:


Seal all holes or openings in the original wall/ceiling before carrying out any acoustic treatment to ensure airtightness.

When working on a newly constructed wall/ceiling, we advise against placing the dampers directly onto the bricks. Instead, the wall should have a mortar layer approximately 1 cm thick.

Seal the joints between the plasterboards at the perimeter and between themselves, both on the first and second layers.

Profiles and plasterboards must fully rest along their entire length on the acoustic strip. Therefore, the width of the strip should be equal to or greater than the thickness of the solution.

For optimal acoustic results, it is advised against drilling through the system.

It is advised to perform a holistic treatment on the walls, ceiling, and floor (box-in-box) to achieve the best acoustic results.

For fixing the dampers, 8 mm nylon plugs and screws of 65-75 mm in length are advised.

For securing the first layer of plasterboards, it is advisable to use phosphated screws of 25 or 35 mm in length, while for the second layer, screws of 45 mm in length should be used instead.

NOTE 1: The outlined solution has been developed based on our expertise and experience. Please note that this is not the only approach, as several combinations with different components are possible. We strive to offer support and guidance in resolving the noise issues that, regrettably, affect many individuals.

NOTE 2: Using high-quality products and ensuring proper installation are essential for achieving optimal acoustic results. Therefore, it is crucial to be thoroughly aware in order to avoid mistakes that could undermine said enhancement.

NOTE 3: Soundproofing encompasses rigidity, elasticity, mass, sealing, absorption coefficient, and proper execution. Various type of materials are used to achieve these factors, and when combined correctly, they enable us to obtain the desired acoustic results. Kindly note that there are no miracle products capable of solving noise issues on their own. Omitting some of the required factors, and consequently ommitting components, will lead to a substandard system and a compromised soundproofing. In other words, a poor financial and time investment in the project.


We offer technical assistance free of charge to provide you with optimal acoustic treatments and proposals.
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