Anti-vibratons system manufacturer
Performance & Design pushing the limits
The SENOR project began in 1995, with limited means but infinite ambitions for the future.
Now, after more than 30 years of hard work and strong commitment, we are proud that we have contributed our bit in the improvement of people’s quality of life. As we have contributed along these years to the eradication of one of the main causes of unease and discomfort that we currently have to put up with: noise and vibration pollution.

Avoid the domino effect by installing SENOR insulators
After years of study and research, we are able to launch various vibration elimination tools for both construction and industrial sector. A revolutionary system that allows the constructive solution to be installed, both on ceilings, walls, floors and machinery, to be fully fixed. Our devices prevent any construction system from detaching from its location due to any contingency, such as a bad calculation of the weight distribution, the failure of one of the fixing mechanisms or simply a fire, thus avoiding further damage. This range, totally new and patented, is called DS and ANTI ROLL SYSTEM, (It is the most advanced security device of the moment).
SENOR guarantees through its international certificate that we comply with quality standards, being an organization with an effective quality management system, identifying areas for improvement and taking measures to progress in them. Our goal is to provide the best service to our customers.

We desing
We present the new products of SENOR with plus I+D+i of future present, range CONSTRUCTION and INDUSTRY.
When you sit in front the News products SENOR then an incredible thing happen: the world around you appears in silence and you find yourself into an absolute tranquility.
To create such an intense experience we have gone further than ever, we have improved even the smallest detail, we have brought the new products “SENOR” to a new dimension.

We produce
All products manufactured by SENOR are registered and certified by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.Furthermore, a strong spirit with feet firmly planted on the ground and looking to the future, we develop solid foundations that support SENOR´s philosophy: SAFETY, OPERATION, PERFORMANCE e INNOVATION.
This strong determination and the truly unique product we produce have helped SENOR to be an international benchmark.

We offer something unique
SENOR, since its birth has always been clear that its main goal is to offer the market an innovation in terms of anti-vibration systems and all our products are aimed at the sector to benefit from these developments, both technologyand installation and both of them offer a unique service that differentiate us from other competitors.
Therefore, very year we surprise the market with our development and security system and, in this way ,we will continue to work in the same way in the future.

Innovation perceived
An innovation can only be such for whom perceives it. The innovation is that the purposes and means are conected together in a special way unknown till now. That link has to be validated economically on the market or within the company and a given purpose can be achieved. It is oriented to the objective of appealing to new markets and newcustomer groups through a radical change in the products.
The appreciation of the demand is the more frequent factor in innovation than the appreciation of the technical potential.

Solve your noise and vibration problems with which you live day by day with the most technological offer.

Discover our range of products to treat structural noise and vibration of industrial equipment.